On Tue, Aug 16, 2005 at 08:13:03PM +0200, Sandro Dentella wrote:
> > I don't have an idea how this could be done.  The only alternative I see
> > is to tell the people "install A-pre first, then install A which will
> > pull in B,C,D"; or to create a script in A-pre that will ask the debconf
> > questions and then ask "You must install A,B,C and D for this to have an
> > effect.  Proceed" and run apt-get install A B C D.
> Thanks, I do realize this is the best solution.

It sounds like a very dirty hack to me, and that can never be the best
solution.  If it would really be needed, the tools should be changed, and it
might be a temporary solution (if it would work, but as was pointed out it
probably wouldn't).

I may be missing the problem, but as far as I understand it you want B, C, and
D to have Depends: A.  If they don't have it and cannot be used without A,
file a bug report.  If they can also be used without A then you must not
depend on being configured before them, because users may first install those
packages, and add A later.  If they should be reconfigured at that time to
support the new possibilities which weren't there without A, they should
provide a reconfigure option (dpkg-reconfigure comes to mind ;-) ).

About your original message: If you want to provide people with a system that
doesn't ask questions for which you have good defaults (for their situation),
you could create a script which preseeds debconf so it doesn't ask the
questions.  Your package should definitely not block questions in other
packages, as there may be people who don't like your defaults and want to
answer those questions.  And in general, those are not your package's
questions, so you're not supposed to mess with them.

I hope this helps,
Bas Wijnen

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