On 24-Sep-2005, Nelson A. de Oliveira wrote:
> Biofox used to work only on Firefox (as the name says), however
> upstream author changed and now it works on Mozilla browser too.


> Because it was only to Firefox, I named the source package as
> "mozilla-firefox-biofox". Unfortunally, that was a mistake, I know.

Not necessarily; it was a good name at the time.

> Now, I have created an updated package.
> I have renamed the source package to "biofox" only.
> OK to rename, right?

You have good motivation to rename the source package, but it's
unnecessary. The source package can generate binary packages of any
name; and users of the binary packages can discover the source package
name easily.

There were recent discussions on this list regarding the confusion
caused by renaming a source package. You might find a solution though.

> There is a new binary package named "mozilla-biofox".

Good choice.

> The binary package "mozilla-firefox-biofox" is now transitional, 
> depending on "mozilla-biofox".
> I have tested and it upgrades perfectly.

Thanks for testing :-)

> My doubt here is until when I need to keep generating this binary
> package, since it's transitional. On the next upload of Biofox I
> remove it from my control file or I will only remove it on ethc+1?
> Or only remove it when it reaches testing? Or it's another option
> that I have not thought?

Someone else (with more knowledge than I of transitional packages)
will need to help on this point.

 \      "Well, my brother says Hello. So, hooray for speech therapy."  |
  `\                                                    -- Emo Philips |
_o__)                                                                  |

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