On Wed, Nov 23, 2005 at 10:11:17PM +0100, Svata Dedic wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks for the pointers, I have already seen them in the past - and now
> I hopefully made a proper repository. But to be more specific about the
> situation:
> - apt-get update proceeds OK,
> - aptitude shows the customized package as a version of "iptraf" (this
> is OK)
> - I can do apt-get install iptraf=2.7.0-8.0.whatever_custom_version and
> it works OK,
> but when "official" iptraf (2.7.0-8) is installed, the iptraf package is
> not recognized as upgradeable to 2.7.0-8.0.whavever_custom_version
> (which I would like to achieve). So plain
>       apt-get install iptraf
> will not do anything

What is the output of `apt-cache policy iptraf` ?


Roberto C. Sanchez

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