I demand that Joey Hess may or may not have written...

> Bernhard R. Link wrote:
>> The general suggestion is to not include the debian/ directory in the
>> release tarball. The reason is that by the format of the Debian source
>> packages no files can be removed by another person's .diff.gz and some
>> tools like debhelper act on (non)existance of specific files.

> patch is capable of deleting files and even subdirectories when the diff
> shows that all the lines in a file are removed. The only limitation I know
> of is that a patch cannot represent the deletion of an empty file, and it
> cannot represent removing all lines in a file while leaving it empty.

"... two limitations. The only two limitations I know of..."

The former it can't (AFAICS) but the latter it can. Using the attached files:

  $ echo >test
  $ patch -p0 -i test1.diff     # -1,1 +1,0
  $ ls -s test
  0 test

  $ echo >test
  $ patch -p0 -i test2.diff     # -1,1 +0,0
  $ ls -l test
  ls: test: No such file or directory

diff -N treats empty as non-existent, and patch may fail to ask about -R.

| Darren Salt   | nr. Ashington, | linux (or ds) at
| sarge,        | Northumberland | youmustbejoking
| RISC OS       | Toon Army      | demon co uk
|   Retrocomputing: a PC card in a Risc PC

Memory should be the starting point of the present.
--- test
+++ test
@@ -1,1 +1,0 @@
--- test
+++ test
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@

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