On Wed, 2006-02-15 at 22:38 +0100, Miriam Ruiz wrote:
>  --- Miriam Ruiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> > 
> >  --- Joe Wreschnig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> > 
> > > Some issues:
> > > 
> > > Your debian/control should not depend directly on "python", but use
> > > "${python:Depends}" and call dh_python in its binary-indep target. You
> > > also need to Build-Depend on Python.
> > 
> > I did that in one of my packages, which I co-maintain, that is written in
> > python, and it was converted to something similar to what i did this time.
> > Which is the best approach and why?
> I've tried that, and it adds the dependencies:
> python (>= 2.3), python (<< 2.4)
> Why can't it be used with python 2.4?

The modules are byte-compiled for Python 2.3, and should be recompiled
when Debian ships Python 2.4 as the default. There's no way to
automatically do that yet, so instead dh_python sets it up so that a
simple rebuild will cause it to upgrade properly. It's messy, and should
be done more automatically, but isn't yet.
Joe Wreschnig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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