On Fri, Apr 07, 2006 at 02:05:29PM +0800, Paul Wise wrote......

> * debian/control: need an extra space before Homepage (see the
>   devref 6.2.4), may as well remove the extra / from the end of the
>   URL.

    Fixed the extra space.  Think I'll leave the extra / given the
    discussion on this.  Can't see it hurting.

> * debian/control: hmm, not sure if the Section is correct. I think
>   utils or perhaps otherosfs would be more appropriate - compare
>   with orange or unshield / etc.

    Agreed.  Utils makes more sense and has been changed now.

> * debian/watch: the url you give will only give you html. the
>   correct URL (using the special support from uscan) would be
>   this: http://sf.net/tnef/tnef-(.*)\.tar\.gz


> * debian/rules: the config.sub/guess removal seems elaborate

    It does seem that way, but I took this straight from

> * several files contain extra lines and comments that are not
>   necessary - watch, rules, 


> * don't forget to review the debtags for this package and make
>   sure they are ok:
>   http://debtags.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/edit.cgi?pkg=tnef

    Not an expert on debtags, but I checked this out and it seems

Thanks much for your review and comments, and likewise thanks to the
others who gave their comments too.

A newly packaged version fixing the things above is now available
at: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/t/tnef/

I also fixed the md5sum inconsistency.

This is a nice little program that needs to stay with Debian.
Still hoping that someone will sponsor it.

Thanks, Kevin

Kevin Coyner  GnuPG key: 1024D/8CE11941  http://rustybear.com/publickey

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