On 4/25/06, Frank Küster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Theppitak Karoonboonyanan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear mentors,
> >
> > I have adopted the orphaned thailatex package in the bug:
> >   http://bugs.debian.org/357871
> >
> > And now the brand new package has been dressed up,
> > waiting for sponsoring.
> I'm willing to look into it and finally sponsor it (especially since my
> recent NMU might have caused this or that bug).  There are still some
> minor things to do:

Thank you for your comments. I've tried to cover all of them.
Please check the updated package at the old place:

Below is what I did:

> - debian/changelog:
>   * You shouldn't close bugs with "new upstream release" as an
>     explanation, unless it's a request to package the new version.
>     Instead, write something like
>       * New upstream release
>         - now has a orig.tar.gz again (closes: #344554)
>         - ... babel.sty ... (closes:  #351501)
>         - updated fonts
>         - new Loma font

I've logged the closing of #344554 separately, but decided
not to close #351501, because the closing in previous change
was simply from the fact that it's gone when I tried installing.
So, being unable to reproduce the bug, even by stepwise
upgrades, I can't find a good explanation, and should leave it
open, until it can be reproduced somehow. I'll follow up the bug

>   * the "bumped standards version to..." section usually also gets an
>     explanation (like "no changes needed" or "lots of packaging changes,
>     details below", or whatever).

Done. However, as a new comer who haven't read old
standards, I can't gather what changes are needed between
old and new version. I hope saying "after the repackaging"
is sufficient.

> - debian/copyright:
>   Should mention where babel.sty comes from.  I assume it's a newer
>   upstream version than teTeX's.  Anyway, be sure to follow the
>   instructions in 3.4 of the Debian TeX Policy Draft, especially the
>   second paragraph under number 2. (hint: the maintainer address for the
>   Basic TeX packages is [EMAIL PROTECTED], you can also reach
>   texlive's maintainer there).

I've added babel.sty copyright info, by taking from tetex-base's
copyright file, and from within the file itself.

> - debian/README.Debian:
>   Please check that the information is still correct and needed (and if
>   yes, fix the bad wording, it misses a "problems" or similar).

I've totally rewritten it.

> - debian/rules:
>   You could switch to using dh_installtex for the fonts, this would also
>   make the maintainer scripts simpler, and you'd even no longer need
>   10thailatex.cfg in your debian directory.  But this is optional (and
>   I'm not the dh_installtex guy among the Debian TeX Task Force, so
>   don't ask me for details).

I used dh_installtex to install the package's "maps" file, which
was simply renamed from 10thailatex.cfg.

> - installation:
>   * thai.map should not be in TEXMFSYSCONFIG, see
> file:///usr/share/doc/tex-common/Debian-TeX-Policy.html/ch4.html#s-configurationfiles

Ah, done. It seems upstream has already put it in the right place.
So, I just removed the mv line.

>   * it would be nice if the documentation, at least the upstream
>     README. would be available to texdoc.  A symlink
>     /usr/share/doc/texmf/thailatex/thailatex.txt ->
>     ../../thailatex/README would do.

Done, with dh_link and the package's "links" file.

Let me know if there is still something missing.

Theppitak Karoonboonyanan

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