About one week ago my mentor uploaded my package libgpiv. As I don't
find it yet on the debian repository, I have been looking if the ITP bug
has been closed. This seems not to be the case, yet. 

The ITP bug reports version 0.3.2, but the upstream version (that has
been packaged by me) has been increased to version 0.3.3. (I am the
upstream developer as well. I have increased the version in upstream in
order to implement all the changes in source that were needed, so
the .diff only includes debian/ and .orig.tar.gz is equal to upstream

My question is if this is this an error that will have to be repaired in
order to get the debian package uploaded by ftp-master in the repository
and close this bug? If so, can I change the bug report to version 0.3.3
or will I have to send a new bugreport, resulting into a new bug number
and, therefore, have to change debian/changelog and re-upload the
debianized package?

Thanks in advance, Gerber
URL http://gpiv.sourceforge.net
Main Gpiv developer: software for Particle Image Velocimetry
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