On Mon, 2006-05-01 at 23:12 -0400, Brett Smith wrote
> I've prepared an initial package at
> <http://www.brettcsmith.org/debian/libxml-ruby/>.  I've got a sponsor
> lined up already and he's provided me with a lot of useful feedback, but
> I'd love to get any other comments that could help get this package in
> great shape.  One thing that's particularly bothering me is a patch to
> the project's Rakefile in .diff.gz, to disable a dependency on Ruby
> Gems.  I'd like to handle this patch with one of the formal patch
> systems if possible, but if I do that, I can't easily call rake from the
> clean target, which seems like a bigger problem.

For such a small patch, ignoring dpatch is fine and probably preferable.
(Other, dpatch-liking people, may disagree with me about this.)
Joe Wreschnig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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