On Mon, Jun 19, 2006 at 07:50:11AM -0600, Joseph Smidt wrote:
> I have a package that needs four pactches.  I put the four patches into
> debian/patches and cdbs patches just fine.  I want not use cdbs if possible
> for I am confused at how exactly it is working,

It is a very good idea not to use tools you don't understand. :-)

> but what debhelper command do you use to patch?  I see none listed under
> "man debhelper", no dh_patch or anything.

There is no patch command in debhelper.  If you want this automated, you need
to use a patch helper (such as dpatch or cdbs).

> I tried using dpatch but it complained it couldn't understand the .patch
> files syntax even when I changed them to have .dpatch endings.

dpatch has a special format for the patches.  I think they're really
executables (but I'm not really familiar with dpatch).  What you can do is
run "dpatch-edit-patch patch first-patchname", then manually apply the first
patch to the tree, then exit the shell.  It will save the patch in the format
it needs.  Do this for the other patches as well and you're done.

I think you need to mention their names in debian/patches/00list as well if
you actually want it to be applied when building.  Read the dpatch
documentation for details on that.

> I'm sure I'm not doing it correctly.  How do you correctly apply .patch
> files without cdbs?  Do you just have to hardcode all the "patch" commands
> into debian/rules?

That is an other option.  Also, you can simply put them all in the .diff.gz,
but then you lose the separation between them.


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