Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my source package "qrfcview".

* Package name    : qrfcview
  Version         : 0.62-1
  Upstream Author : Romain ROLLET <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL
  Section         : doc
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description     : viewer for IETF RFCs

It builds this binary package:
qrfcview   - viewer for IETF RFCs

The package is linda and lintian clean and compiles with pbuilder.

The upload would fix this ITP bug: 378587

The package can be found on at

Or just "apt-get source qrfcview" if your sources.list contains:
deb-src unstable main contrib non-free

I would be glad if someone would be interested in sponsoring this

Some other bits of information (from the package description):

 qRFCView is a smart IETF RFC viewer based on the Qt4 library featuring: 
 * automatic table of content, with direct opening of section; 
 * handling of RFC internal cross-references; 
 * automatic downloading of a referenced RFC from the IETF web site on a simple
 * caching of RFC in a local directory; 
 * tab-browsing of RFC; 
 * searching. 

And about rfc-doc (from the README.Debian):

doc-rfc: if you have installed this package (in non-free) you might
want to take advantage of the locally installed RFCs.  You can add the
/usr/share/doc/RFC/links/ directory to the directories used by
qRFCView (menu Edit -> Set Directories).  Unfortunately most of the
files there are gzipped which is something qRFCView does not deal with
yet (it expects only .txt files).

Some questions I still have with respect to the package:

 * The binary has upper case (qRFCView).  I have not seen anything
against it in the policy so I have followed there upstream choice.
But in case I have missed something...

 * Upstream uses QSettings
( to store the
configuration files.  Is there a special Debian policy (or best
practice) with respect to this.  I have not found any.

An i386 binary may be found there :

Kind regards,
Frédéric LEHOBEY

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