No need to CC me, I'm subscribed. You should assume that people don't
want a CC unless they indicate that they do in some way.

On Sun, 2006-08-06 at 22:00 +0100, Conall O'Brien wrote:

> > dpkg-source: failure: patch gave error exit status 1
> Hmmm, I'm not sure how to investigate this. All I did was untar the
> upstream source into my working directory, make my changes and debuild
> took care of generating my diff against the orig.tar.gz. Any suggestions
> are welcome.

I suggest this in the directory where you are working:

mkdir old ; mv queuegraph*/ old
mv queuegraph.tar.gz queuegraph_1.1.0.orig.tar.gz
mkdir queuegraph-1.1.0 ; cd queuegraph-1.1.0
tar zcf ../queuegraph_1.1.0.orig.tar.gz
cp -r `find ../old/ -name debian -type d` .
<re-edit or apply the changes you made to upstream code>

> Hmmm, 3.7.2 hasn't filtered down to sarge yet. I'll create a sid build
> environment and look into it.

Generally, packages should be developed on sid (or in a sid chroot),
otherwise build-dependencies and dependencies may be incorrect.

> >       * debian/rules: use dh_install to install the files?
> Where would I be able to find an example of this being done?

The dh_install manual page has a good one. In general, the debhelper
manual pages are of good quality and should be used :)

Basically, create a debian/install file with something like this:

queuegraph.cgi usr/lib/cgi-bin
queuegraph/ usr/lib/queuegraph
queuegraph/ usr/lib/queuegraph

> >       * debian/rules: the rrd database should be created at install time
> >         (in the postinst), shouldn't it? You don't want to overwrite the
> >         database every time you upgrade or reinstall the package.
> The script already checks for the existance of the file,
> but yes, postinst is a better way of doing it, I've moved it not.

The process for creating the database runs only at package build time,
meaning a blank database is stored in the package. Every file in the
package (except conffiles) is removed and replaced on upgrade.

> >       * Perhaps you could rewrite the patches so that they can be sent
> >         upstream. I'm thinking either commandline arguments or a
> >         configuration file, or a ./configure script that inserts values
> >         into the cgi script and installs the results. Something so that
> >         every distro doesn't have to patch queuegraph to make it useful.
> Yes, this is the ideal solution, bt I'm not sure what whether upstream
> is still maintaining the script. If it is still maintained, then I'm
> happy to submit patches.

Always worth a try, maybe your prodding will prompt them to start
working on it again. Although, frankly, it might be better to merge this
into munin or rewrite in C for collectd.


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