On Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 09:17:50AM +0200, Benjamin Mesing wrote:
> According to Policy, Chapter 8.1 "the run-time shared library needs to
> be placed in a package whose name changes whenever the shared object
> version changes". You might need to do that, though I am not sure if
> this statement is absolute, since it is written to ensure that two
> different versions of the library can be installed at the same time,
> while if there is only one application using it, and the library is not
> useful for other packages, this might be not neccessary.

It's even better.  If a library is not meant (by the Debian maintainer, who
usually follows upstream) to be used by any other package, then it may be
installed in the binary package which uses it.  In that case, it may not be in
/usr/lib (because that would suggest that it's public), but must instead be in
/usr/lib/packagename.  In order to make things work, you will need to use an
rpath (or LD_LIBRARY_PATH-wrapper, but that's ugly and easily prevents the
user from using things like electric fence).

So if I understood the situation correctly, I'd suggest no library packages at
all, which means just a split in two: the main package, and the plugin.

Bas Wijnen

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