On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 10:22:26PM IST, martin f krafft 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> incoherently babbled:

> Good evening to Dublin!

Why thank you, however I'm currently in Maui, Hawaii. :P~

Good morning on Limerick however... :)

> Maybe consider updating the dh-make package?

Ah ha! My debian/ scripts were generated by dh-make 0.38 on a Sarge
setup. After I committed them to my version control system, I began
using a sid box as I should have been all along and checked them out 
of my repository (and didn't use sid's dh-make 0.41) ...

I've added in the suggested copyright line now anyway.
> what you want is >/dev/null 2>&1

Go raibh maith agat. :)

> suexec is an architecture-dependent file, so by the FHS it *must* be
> in /usr/lib. Your shell scripts are architecture-independent, so
> they *could* be in /usr/share. I just wanted to make sure you put
> them into /usr/lib consciously.
> Do see Micah's reasoning in #371859.
> In this case, I don't really see why the script should be in
> /usr/lib because it's not a binary nor a library.

True, but my understanding was that docs of any type, shape, or form go
into /usr/share. Just as Micah mentions in the afor mentioned bug
thread, he argues that shell scripts don't count as docs, 

I would consider that it does fall under the clause "/usr/lib includes 
object files, libraries, and internal binaries that are not intended 
to be executed directly by users or shell scripts." - since I don't want
it to end up in a user's $PATH.

I'm not opposed to placing it in /usr/share/queuegraph over
/usr/lib/queuegraph. I'll move it to /usr/share unless someone comes up
with a good reason not to.
> About the else... well, it does not hurt, but it's a sign that you
> "yoinked" code without really understanding what it does. Don't get
> me wrong, I am not here to expose you or anything, but I understand
> Debian to be about package development, not cut-n-paste until it
> works. 

It was a case statement, which isn't overly hard to work out what it's
doing. I simply lifted the case conditions names, since they're 
obviously rather specific to the various operations a maintainer script
can invoke. 

My bad, I figured an existing package was a good reference, given it
had completed the Debian QA process...

> Great. Thanks for your work! 

And thank you for your constructive feedback. I plan on saving it for
future reference... :)

> Ping me privately if needed, I'll sponsor the package.

Cool, thanks. I'll buy you a beer next time you're up in 
civilisation^WDublin. :)

(and no, I'm not trying to buy sponsorship of my package with alcohol,
this is merely how we Irish express our gratitude... :)


Conall O'Brien

+353 (0)1 6535148 | sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


The programmer's national anthem is 'AAAAAAAARRRRGHHHHH!!'.

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