On Fri,  1 Sep 2006 14:21:05 +0200
Michelle Konzack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Am 2006-08-30 20:05:13, schrieb Antonio Ospite:
> > debpool is also a handy alternative for a private repository:
> > 
> > http://packages.debian.org/experimental/devel/debpool
> > 
> > with some improvement debpool can be _the_ debian repository
> > manager for mortals :)
> I will check it out...
> But it seems I have to do some scripting stuff no matter what I
> use apt-ftparchive, dak, reprepro, debpool or my old own tools
> since it must work together with my devel-website (project page).

Just for your info.

To put package descriptions on my site [1] I use a combination of
dctrl2xml [2] and a xslt stylesheet to produce the html code, very
little scripting needed. If you want more details you can ask.

dctrl2xml can produce a useful xml file starting from the a Packages
file in your repository.


[1] http://www.studenti.unina.it/~ospite/section/it/dev/debian.html
[2] http://frank.thomas-alfeld.de/download/debian/dctrl2xml/

  Web site: http://www.studenti.unina.it/~ospite
Public key: http://www.studenti.unina.it/~ospite/aopubkey.asc

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