On Tue, 26 Sep 2006 00:31:07 +0100, James Westby wrote:

> On (25/09/06 23:34), James Stone wrote:
>> > m.d.n still has version -4. So you wish to upload an updated version?
>> > 
>> > James
>> Don't know what happened, I had a .upload file but it was not on the
>> server. I have re-uploaded it now.
> Thanks,

D'OH! Just realised I made a bit of a mistake here..

I have just realised that 1.0.1-4 _was_ the latest version! 1.0-5 was an
old version with many lintian warnings!!!

> I cannot sponsor, but I have a few comments,
>   * It would be good to add proper license headers in the source files
>     of the package, for instance stating what versions of the GPL are
>     allowed. I think it is better to be explicit, and follow the GNU's
>     guidelines for doing this.

I will have to do this upstream. 

>   * Can you drop the multiple blank lines at the end of debian/control. *
>   Your standards version is out of date, please update it and make any
>     necessary changes.

These were actually up to date in 1.0.1-4

>   * Please
>     - make tunapie.sf.net a full URI.


>     - make License: say Copyright and License, or pull out the Copyright
>       in to its own section.


>     - add a copyright/license statement about your packaging.

Can you give an example of what you mean?

>   * Does your adult/safe debconf stuff work correctly with the new
>     python policy? Does your package even conform?

AFAIK yes, but could you elaborate on your concerns?

>   * You call update-menu in post*, what package is this program from? *

Not sure what you mean.
Can you expand?

>   Please use po-debconf.

Yes I was using this.. but not in the version you saw!!!

>   * Consider a tidy up of debian/rules, removing comments and commented
>     out dh_* calls.


>   * Consider adding a watch file.

OK.. I will have to find out how to do this with SF.

>   * Is debconf really the best way of doing the adult/safe
>     configuration?

It is the only way I can think of. Do you have any better ideas?

> I still get plenty of lintian warnings
>   W: tunapie source: uses-dh-python-with-no-pycompat E: tunapie source:
>   missing-dh_python-build-dependency python |
>     python-dev | python-all-dev
>   I: tunapie: possible-non-posix-code-in-maintainer-script postrm:3 '[
>   "$1" = "purge" -a '
>   W: tunapie: no-debconf-config
>   W: tunapie: postinst-uses-db-input
> Please fix these and I will review the package again.
> James

I have uploaded 1.0.1-4 again. I will make the other changes you suggest
once I completely understand all your points.



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