
On Wed, 18 Oct 2006, Arvind kumar wrote:
> First thing I need is access to latest CVS code for craft package
> (only read permission will do ). As far as I could make out from
> debian.org , there is some strict guide line and lengthy procedure
> to be followed Any one can get me some clue on this

I am mystified by what you mean by "read access to CVS code" and
"lengthy procedure".

1. If there is a CVS repository of upstream source code (a quick look
   suggested that this is unlikely) then you can write to the
   upstream author that the Debian package is orphaned and you are 
   planning to take over maintenance so would you be allowed read 
   access to the CVS repository.

2. If there is a CVS repository of the Debian packaging (again a
   quick look suggested that this is not so) then you can write to
   the current maintainer Falk Hueffner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to see
   how you can obtain access to that repository. Again mention that
   you are planning to adopt etc...

3. You can always download the current Debian source package with (put some
   (deb-src entries in your /etc/apt/sources.list):
        apt-get source craft
   and look at various issues with "craft" (there are six bugs listed at
   http://bugs.debian.org/craft) to see if you can resolve these or
   at least work on them. If so then you are probably ready to adopt
   the package. If so then retitle the bug from "RFA" to "ITA" and
   set yourself as the owner. Ask on this list for a sponsor after you
   have built your new version.

(3) seems to me to be the way to start.



P.S. By the way have a look at the "maint-guide" package.

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