Dear Shachar,

On 12/1/06, Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Muammar Wadih El Khatib Rodriguez wrote:
> - Source repository: deb-src unstable
> main contrib non-free
> - dget
Did you repackage the source tar ball? This is, generally speaking,
considered a bad idea unless there is a really good reason to do so. Use
the original tarball as downloaded from the web whenever possible.

Yes, I did it because the package was in *.zip and in Debian is needed
in *.tar.gz

debian/changelog - the "Closes #" text needs to be on the same bullet as
the description of what it closes. "dch" is a good helper tool for
editing the changelog.

You're right. I've fixed it.

You have a dependency on "misc:Depends", but you never set it. Just
remove the dependency.

Russ Allbery answered it, and it was what I read, too. Now I'm
confused so what should I do, remove it or leave it?

When writing the "description" line, imagine that the sentence has a
"packagename is a" at the beginning. In your case, the description would
be "Universal webmail developed in PHP". Consider whether the PHP part
is really relevant (it can go in the detailed description part).

Thanks for the advise.

When writing the detailed description, the first paragraph should be a
more detailed version of the subject line. I.e. - repeat what the
package is and what it does.

I'm working on it.

Personally, I would change the bullets to remove the "it's", but that
really a style thing.

Remove the disabled debhelper lines in debian/rules. I'm surprised
lintian doesn't complain about that one.

I'll remove them. I was thinking about and it's not too elegant leave
disabled debhelper lines into debian/rules.

You are running dh_install, so why not use that to copy the php files
over to the installation directories? RTFM on dh_install for how to do
that at a centralized file.

I did not use it because how I said, it's my first ITP. I RTFM and now
dh_install is which copy php files :-)

empty lines at end of debian/rules and debian/uebimiau.links (and
several other files under debian/)

I fixed it.

Consider putting an apache conf (via alias) that points a given URL to
the webmail. Check out how phpmyadmin does that for paths.
/tmp gets erased once in a while. It is not wise to recommend to people
to trust files or subdirs under /tmp. It is much better to create the
directory yourself (say, /var/cache/uebimiau) and pre-patch the relevant
configuration file.
In short, I would try to change the package so that the first 3 bullets
are unnecessary, and the fourth unnecessary for standard installs. The
rest of the bullets need to be merely informational.

I'm working on it.

You create files under /usr/share that are group writable by www-data.
Quoting FHS:
> The /usr/share hierarchy is for all read-only architecture independent
> data files.
The only reason I can see that lintain did not complain about this is
because, due to the way fakeroot was used, which means that the chgrp
and chmod commands in your debian/rules did not have any effect. You
need to recheck your installed package to make sure that it is:
1. Useable after a simple "apt-get install"

I did it, I installed uebimiau using apt-get install and It just works
fine. But obviously is not fine  what I did so I'm fixing it.

2. Has the permissions you expect it to have.

On a personal note, unrelated to the debian packaging, I'm taking a wild
guess based on your name that you know how this webmail handles right to
left sent emails, and sending BiDi emails.

I really have to say I didn't understand what did you mean on your
personal note. I did a research about what is the mean of BiDi, and I
found [0] so what do you mean?

Otherwise, I'll be glad to sponsor this package when it's ready.

I'll appreciate your sponsorship. Thanks a lot Shachar.

Muammar El Khatib.
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