On Mon, 15 Jan 2007 11:58:43 +0500

> Dear mentors,
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "gprsec".

Just so that the list is aware, I've found a few problems in gprsec
which make me reluctant to sponsor it in it's current upstream state.
I've written to the maintainer explaining in detail how these issues
can be fixed but briefly:

1. Various translations are attempted using a bespoke lang_reader
routine, rather than gettext. This makes translations very difficult
compared to the standard .po files (the format does not, for example,
put the string to be translated in the translation file, it simply
lists the translated text). I feel that this is a source of a lot of
bugs and I cannot see any reason why upstream does not use the existing
gettext support within perl.

2. gprsec, by default, calls home to the gpr project with details of
each new connection, including details of dns settings and other
user-specific statistics. This needs to be a configurable option with a
default set to "off" if gprsec is not to gain a reputation as spyware.

I suspect that one or both of these problems would generate an RC bug
if the package was to be uploaded.

The patches required to fix these problems would be likely to involve
replacing all of the existing translation files and a substantial
portion of the perl source code - in my estimate, maybe as much as 50%
of the total source code for the package, excluding the images.

IMHO it would be much better if these issues were fixed upstream, hence
my decision. I'll gladly look at a future upstream release but I think
these problems are too large to be handled entirely within the Debian
package without creating a forked native package.

Note to all maintainers requesting sponsorship: Please try to keep
replies on the list. If you request a sponsor on the list, subsequent
discussions should also be on the list. Thanks.


Neil Williams

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