Soren Hansen wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 19, 2007 at 08:49:17PM +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> AC_INIT(NetworkManager-openvpn, 0.3.2,
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED], NetworkManager-openvpn)
>> This means, upstream version number is 0.3.2. Why did you chose 0.6.4?
> I chose 0.6.4 to match the version of NetworkManager. I've always
> considered the vpn deaemons as part of network manager, but you have
> very good point here.
> Hmm... This could be troublesome. I have maintained these packages in an
> unofficial repository for myself and a few friends, but I have
> discovered that there are MANY users of these packages now. The problem
> is that I've used the 0.6.4 version for them, so they will not benifit
> from these new packages, since obviously 0.6.4 > 0.3.2. How would you
> feel about a package having an 1: epoch when first included into Debian?

Starting with an epoch would be indeed odd. I wouldn't recommend it.
I would talk to upstream and get this issue sorted out first.
Maybe upstream simply neglected to update the version number. Try to get
an statement from upstream, with a bit of luck upstream is willing to
release proper tarballs, that would make things easier.

If not, release it with the version number 0.6.4. In case there is ever
a 0.3.2 release (or a release < 0.6.4), you can still use an epoch.

>> As you run ./, you should also remove the generated files in
>> the clean target. Otherwise these autogenerated files will be included
>> in the .diff.gz (which will get unnecessarily bloated).
> I actually thought cdbs cleaned that up. If I have the source unpacked
> and run "dpkg-buldpackage -rfakeroot" the diff.gz is unchanged. The same
> holds true for the output from pbuilder. Are you sure I need to clean
> anything else up? If so, are you familiar with any easy way of doing
> this (a simple make target perhaps) or would I have to just rm each file
> in my debian/rules ?

Just run dpkg-buildpackage 2 times. Then you'll see, if everything is
fine or your diff.gz starts to grow ;-)

>> Please also note, that there is already a ITP for
>> network-manager-openvpn (from me). You should reassign the bug and
>> close it in the changelog.  (I'm fine if you take the package. You
>> might consider though to package it inside the pkg-utopia group).
> Being primarily an Ubuntu developer, I have no idea what you mean by
> pkg-utopia nor am I very familiar with the Debian procedures involved.
> :-) When you say "reassign the bug and close it in the changelog", do
> you mean I should send a reassign command to the BTS and afterwards put
> something in the changelog? Is this what you mean?:
>  * Initial upload to Debian. Closes: #bugnumber

Please read the instructions on to
get an overview how to use the Debian bugtracking system (bts).
What you basically have to do, is send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the content:
owner 362005 !
owner 368748 !

362005 is the bug number for network-manager-vpnc and 368748 for
network-manager-openvpn. "!" means, that the sender email address is
recorded as the new owner of the bug.
Shortly after, you should receive a confirmation message by bts.
Then add the Closes: # statement to the changelog with the correct bug

pkg-utopia is group of DDs and non-DDs and we use SVN [1] (and
svn-buildpackage) to collaboratively maintain packages like hal, dbus or
n-m. You are invited to join the group, if you intend to get more
involved. All you'd have to do, is to get an alioth account [2].

If you get the issue with the version number cleared up, ping me again.
I'll then take a closer look at your n-m-(vpnc|openvpn) packages and
sponsor them.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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