On Wednesday 07 March 2007 17:47, Kevin B. McCarty wrote:
> 1) I have to tell you that I made an error in the clean target I
> suggested for debian/rules:
> >       for file in netcdf-c netcdf-cxx netcdf-f77 netcdf-f90 \
> >               netcdf-install netcdf-tutorial netcdf ; do \
> >               rm -f man/$file.ps man/$file.pdf \
> >                       man/$file.html man/$file.dvi ; \
> >       done
> >       rm -f ncdump/ctest.c ncdump/ctest64.c
> ... specifically, all of the $ signs above should be changed to $$ in
> order to escape them from Make.  My apologies for that!

Fixed in pre4 @ [1].


Warren Turkal

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