* Martin Stigge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-04-16 23:04]:
> I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 2.9-3
> of my package "wmweather+", since my usual sponsor for this package,
> Martin F. Krafft, is not available for the next four weeks. (You could
> see it as a one-time sponsorship.)
I will sponsor your upload.
Just two little things that would be nice:
- Use the Homepage tag in control like described in 
  instead of just writing the homepage into the description.
- You don't need usr/bin in dirs file since the Makefile 
  will create it, if it does not exist.

Fix this and I am happy sponsoring you.
Kind regards

Nico Golde - http://ngolde.de - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - GPG: 0x73647CFF
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