
This is slightly off-topic, for which I apologise.  It's just that I
learned about symbol versioning during my NM process, and nobody outside
Debian seems to understand what it is. :-(

I have a library, which I want to package for Debian.  I felt it would
be a good idea to use symbol versioning, since most of my programs (and
in some cases other libraries) use it.  The library is written in C++,
which seems to be a slight problem.  AFAIU the linker should be able to
handle it, but I don't see how.  Let's start with the problem in more

I want a symbol-versioned library, where most symbols are of one
version, but some are of a different version.

I started small, and made a version script to give all symbols the same


This works fine.  When I use objdump -T library.so, I can see all my
symbols with version SHEVEK_1.

Then I tried to give the whole shevek::fd class a different version by


(and some variations.)  That didn't work at all: it defines the version:
00000000 g    DO *ABS*  00000000  SHEVEK_2    SHEVEK_2
But no symbol actually uses it.

Inserting the mangled name does work (if I do it before the SHEVEK_1
version, which makes sense).  However, I would like to use the symbols
from my code, and not the things gcc makes of them.  Especially because
I never know if gcc doesn't change the way it mangles in the future.

So the question is: is that possible, and if so, how?

Any other comments on this approach (or on anything else ;-) ) are also


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