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-=| Giorgio Pioda, Sun, 03 Jun 2007 15:33:35 +0200 |=-
> I've cleaned up the peless package:
> http://web.ticino.com/gfwp/debian/peless-1.125/peless_1.125-1.dsc
> *generated from a tar.gz to have md5sums correspondence
> *watch file corrected and tested
> *changelog cleaned up (only 1 entry, initial release (Closes...)

Good. Thanks.

I have three more little things to mention :)

* The .desktop file is invalid, try checking it with
  desktop-file-validate. As a result, peless is nowhere in the gnome
menu. There is also two warnings

* The debian/copyright should point to
as download location, since one currently used results in something
else being downloaded, perhaps some unreleased version.

* The debian/menu entry has no icon. Can you add one? Note that
menufiles use images in xpm format. It would be best if the .xpm is
generated in build time from .png to avoid mismatches if the icon
changes in the future.

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