-=| Erick Mattos, Tue, 12 Jun 2007 21:13:40 -0300 |=-
> * Package name    : codeblocks
>   Version         : 0.0.20070612-1
>   Upstream Author : Yiannis Mandravellos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * URL             : http://www.codeblocks.org
> * License         : GPL
>   Section         : devel
> It builds these binary packages:
> codeblocks - Code::Blocks integrated development environment (IDE)
> http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/c/codeblocks/codeblocks_0.0.20070612-1.dsc

I am considering sponsoring this, but there are some issues.

Here's a non-exclusive list in no particular order (:

* debian/copyright states only one author. AUTHORS suggests there are
more, plus there are some unknown authors yet. Contact upstream for

* debian/copyright misses the year(s) of copyright

* debian/copyright ends with 
  # Please also look if there are files or directories which have a
  # different copyright/license attached and list them here.

Did you do what's suggested there?

* since the source was exported from SVN, please document in
debian/copyright which revision was used for the export. A script
(debian/get-orig-source.sh) that generates .orig.tar.gz from given
revision would be nice too.

* debian/rules contains some code for generating revision.m4, but this
file is already shipped. Why not get rid of that code?

* debian/rules contains some commented-out lines in the binary-arch
target that clearly are not needed by this package. Please drop them.

* You provide menu file. Good. Please provide .desktop file too

* Version "0.0.20070612" seems wrong to me. Last thing upstream
released is 1.0 RC4. I'd use a version that is between "1.0 rc4" and
whatever the next planned release will be.

* The build fails, because ./configure is not executable

* debian/control - are *all* of these Build-Depends really necessary? I
didn't try dropping any of those, but the list looks very broad.

On the other hand, some Build-Dependencies are missing. Build
the package with pbuilder and see for yourself.

Thank you for your work so far.
Feel free to ask this list if you have trouble fixing any of the above.

dam            JabberID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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