I am looking for a sponsor for my package
"pidgin-rhythmbox": A pidgin (formerly gaim) plugin which
lets you display the song currently playing in rhythmbox.

Package Name    : pidgin-rhythmbox
Version         : 2.0-1
Upstream author : Jon Oberheide <jon at oberheide dot org>
URL             : <http://jon.oberheide.org/projects/pidgin-rhythmbox/>
Licence         : GPL v2
Section         : gnome

This will be the first upload of this package. It builds a
single binary package "pidgin-rhythmbox". It's
lintian/linda clean for sid's packages and builds via

The package can be found here:


I've uploaded it to mentors.debian.net this morning, but it
hasn't appeared yet: I guess things have slowed down a bit
since my last upload.

Many thanks,

Jon Dowland

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