
On Wed, 27 Jun 2007 11:07:17 -0300
Tiago Saboga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have made a package for OmegaT, a computer-aided translation tool.
> Unfortunately, it is not yet suitable for inclusion in debian, because
> it depends on htmlparser which build-depends on maven2, which is being
> packaged by the java team. For now, I plan to have the deb package
> available on the upstream site, but as the final goal is inclusion in
> debian, I want to ask you an advice.
> I am working closely with upstream devs, and I am willing to manage
> the debian files in the same sourceforge cvs. I understand that the
> upstream tarball should not contain the debian files; OTOH,
> sourceforge asks that all files in cvs should be released (and I
> understand them too, it's free software). I have searched in google,
> in debian wiki and in this list's archives and I have not found a tip
> as to what is the best way to address both sides preferences. 

From my experiences it is best to keep debian directory completely
outside of upstream sources. In past I used to have it in upstream
sources (on projects where I am actually the upstream), but it usually
needed to lot of extra work, when trunk/HEAD was already too
different and I need to make package which changes only some things in
Debian packaging.

Also with tools like svn-buildpackage, it is very convenient to manage
only debian directory in separate vcs. I think there is also
cvs-buildpackage if you are really sure you want to stay with cvs.

        Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://blog.cihar.com

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