On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 11:48:16 -0700
Don Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Considering some of the question marks that have come up regarding
> sponsored packages, I thought I'd create a little checklist based on
> some of the things that I've seen go wrong.
> I thought I'd bounce it through you all before I sent it on to -devel.
> http://wiki.debian.org/SponsorChecklist

Thanks, Don - that is very useful.
> Determine if the package actually belongs in Debian
>      * Is upstream active (alive)?

Maybe it's just me (so I haven't put this into the Wiki yet) but I
don't see a dead upstream as a blocker. I'd like to see that point
qualified with regard to later sections on whether the proposed
maintainer is judged capable of handling a package with a dead
upstream. Yes, a dead upstream adds difficulties to package management
but I have packages with a dead upstream including one where I have
taken over upstream maintenance 8 years after the original upstream
left it for dead. I have sponsored packages with a similar history. I
have also looked at doing the same with certain packages with a dead
upstream and left well alone. The state of the code is a better
indicator than just the activity of upstream, IMHO.

I look at compiler warnings during the build, code organisation and
sane use of build tools - then make a decision about whether I can
manage those issues. In my case, as long as it is C or Perl, not a
kernel module or device driver and uses autotools in a sane manner, I'm
usually happy to ignore the issue of a dead upstream. When sponsoring,
I try to make the same judgement about the proposed maintainer.


> Determine if the maintainer can actually maintain the package
>      * What is the skill level of the maintainer?

This is critical to packages with a dead upstream.

> general
>      * Is the package lintian/linda clean?

Finally, what do other sponsors think about linda? Personally, I
uninstalled it long ago as simply unreliable. Are there genuine issues
that linda *can* find which lintian cannot? Is linda still riddled with
false-positives and erroneous test results? Is linda worth using?


Neil Williams

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