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Ben Finney wrote:
> There's nothing in the social contract that compels anyone to include
> any specific software in Debian if they are disinclined to do so. The
> package in question has as its sole purpose the promotion of non-free
> software. Many people are disinclined to spend effort on promoting
> non-free software, and your cries will not gain their support.


Given that I've just seen pretty much exactly the same conversation on -devel
about a week ago, and that this keeps popping up, it's obvious that there *is*
demand for working non-free software on Debian. (I use it myself.)

Also given that given that there are a number of DDs who *do* want to sponsor
non-free (because otherwise there wouldn't be such a thing...), might I
suggest that it might be worthwhile setting up a -nonfree mailing list? This
ought to allow the relatively small number of nonfree developers to meet each
other more easily, while also keeping such things out of -mentors and -devel,
an improvement to everybody.

- --
┌── dg@cowlark.com ─── http://www.cowlark.com ───────────────────
│ "There does not now, nor will there ever, exist a programming language in
│ which it is the least bit hard to write bad programs." --- Flon's Axiom
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