On Wed, Sep 26, 2007 at 01:00:02AM +0200, Krzysztof Burghardt wrote:
> > However, I noticed the previous two uploads have been signed by
> > different DDs. Quite often people sponsoring a package will also sponsor
> > further updates, so you won't need to ask again for a new sponsor. I
> > take it they were doing (for one reason or another) some one-shot
> > sponsoring? Just wondering...
> As I said it be great to have one sponsor for all my packages (or at
> last sponsor for one of them). You are first who propose to sponsor
> further upload.

Many people imply just this simply by agreeing to sponsor a package (and
not only an upload). However, as usual, when in doubt this needs to be
communicated between both involved parties. :)
I, for one, am interested in xawtv, so I intend to sponsor further
uploads for it. Just contact me on- or off-list. But I can't say
anything yet about other packages, sorry.

> > Well, the one repeated warning (partially-translated-question) isn't
> > severe at all in this case, but you should take a look at the
> > informational tags as well (lintian --display-info ...changes),
> > especially possible-non-posix-code-in-maintainer-script.
> I'm not sure, but probably this can be removed soon as devfsd is no
> longer in unstable.

True, devfs is obsolete. Still, at the moment, these are (minor) bugs,
so sooner or later and one way or another they need to be taken care of.

> Fixed packaged uploaded to mentors.d.n.

And uploaded to ftp-master, thanks for your work!


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