On Mon, 2007-11-26 at 16:30 +0100, Patrick Schoenfeld wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 06:23:50PM -0400, Jose Luis Rivas Contreras wrote:
> > You need a new changelog for Debian starting from scratch and you could
> > adapt the copyright (if the license allow it) or just make one new.
> Why? Thats IMHO a very bad way to do it.
> 1) changelog is to track was has been done in the package since its
> beginning. since it is orignating from an ubuntu package, why should its
> history be dropped? That has several disadvantages, including that its
> impossible to track any change that happened before the initial Debian
> release. Very bad. Also its not fair to the Ubuntu maintainers that did
> the initial and eventually biggest part of the work. You simply ignore
> the fact that they did something in the history of the package.
> Besides from beeing unfair it might be a license violation, depending on
> how the ubuntu packaging has been licensed.
> 2) it is also not wise to start a new copyright file. Besides from the
> fact that the Ubuntu maintainers might already have worked alot on it
> and it would be a big waste of time, to just drop it and start from new,
> you should honour their work beeing done and their packaging license.
> Regards,
> Patrick

This topic was recently discussed on #debian-devel, but in a slightly
different context.  I'd like to hear what Paul, Mirco and Cesare have to
say on this subject.  Adding to To: line.

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