
On Friday 14 December 2007 00:37, Bas Wijnen wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 13, 2007 at 03:06:27PM +0100, Holger Levsen wrote:
> > And yes, if you refer to "the GPL" today, it certainly means GPL3.
> Not at all.  Well, at least not completely. ;-)  GNU GPL 3 itself says
> about this (section 14):

Wow, thanks for the info.

> > > Are now all packages buggy that reference
> > > /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL instead of GPL-2 because GPL now
> > > points to GPL-3?
> > Yes.
> Only if they are "GPL 2 only".  

Right. I ment that ;) (But thats meaningless, in legalize the words matter.)

> GPL 3 is a valid license for a GPL2+ 
> licensed work.  It might be better to reference both version 2 and 3,
> but referencing version 3 is certainly not wrong.

It "just" changes the meaning... ;)

Thanks too,

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