On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 14:14:22 +0300
Al Nikolov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, mentors!
> In a case when upstream tarball contains some third party libraries which
> are not used in favor to theirs packaged versions, what should be done?
Whether the source is compiled or not, it is distributed in
the .orig.tar.gz so it needs to be specified in debian/copyright.

> 1. Third party code should be stripped off from orig.tar in source package.

No - unless the code in question has a non-free or non-GPL compatible

> 2a. It still there, but nothing about it's copyright should be declared in
> the copyright file.

That's a REJECT from the NEW queue.

> 2b. All copyrights should be declared though the third party code is not
> used in binary package (just because it is distributed in source package).



Neil Williams

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