On Fri, 08 Feb 2008 09:38:15 +0100, David Paleino wrote:

> > Meanwhile, could you explain the logic behind the version number 0.99-2+ds1.
> > (I suppose one could also look up policy on this but I'm being lazy!)
> Well. 0.99-2 because the archive already has 0.99-1. The "+ds1" part means 
> that
> it has been repackaged ("Debian Source"), and 1... well, I didn't like
> 0.99-2+ds ;)

If you look at the examples ...

> 4.57~ds.1-1
> 2.3.0+ds1-1

... you see that the [.+~]ds[1] is part of the upstream version and not
of the Debian revision (before the "-" and not after it).
So I suggest you use e.g. 0.99+ds-1 for your package.

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