Please see :

| How did you manage to get valspeak, postmodern, pansy, and fudd, whose
| authors are unknown to be GPLed? According to the info page,
|      While all of these filters have been available in one form or
|  another in the public domain for many years, the original authors of
|  some of the filters are unknown. Reasonable attempts were made to find
|  the authors and obtain written permission to repackage the filters as
|  GNU software, but in some cases they could not be located.
| It seem to me questonable to slap the GPL and a FSF copyright on a file
| just because it is being distributed about the net. So I have some
| doubts about the validity of the copyright of some of the talkfilters. I
| would not be comfortable putting them in the Debian distribution with
| thieir copyright in this state. :-/

Its maintainer never responded to that message.

Also, your package conflicts with many of the files contained in the filters

see shy jo

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