On 11/02/2008, David Paleino wrote:
> This seems to me more hackish than it should; is there a cleaner way
> to do it (maybe I'm just complicating myself and don't see The Easy
> Way [1])?

You could have a look at how cdbs does it, which might help.

> [1] I know that using "[ ! test ] || ..." is pretty awkward, but it
> didn't work with "[ test ] &&". Maybe "&&" should be escaped
> somehow? I don't really know.

That's simple, compare:
  [ foo ] && bar
  [ ! foo ] || bar

If foo, then bar, and success.
If not foo, then not bar, and failure. Here is your problem.

The foo/bar relationship is the same, but not the return code, which
is problematic in a Makefile, since it introduces a failure, thus make
stops (see lintian about ignoring the errors in the clean target).


Cyril Brulebois

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