Hello again,

I should have been much faster with this, but better late than never I

On Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 10:43:09PM +0800, LI Daobing wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 11:40 PM, Bas Wijnen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  - The library version is complex.  This is probably upstream's choice,
> >   in which case it's fine.  Libraries normally have a [base]-[version]
> >   and [base]-dev package.  That means the base name of this library is
> >   liblunar-1.  Gtk+ uses a similar naming, but personally I don't think
> >   it's needed to do this until version 2 is needed *and* it is such a
> >   big change that porting old applications is not reasonable, *and*
> >   there are enough old applications to keep providing the old version as
> >   a -dev package next to the new version.  Most libraries don't ever get
> >   in that state, so they don't need such a complex version.
> lintian will complain if the name is not liblunar-1-0, this name is
> come from "objdump -p /usr/lib/liblunar-1.so.0.0.0 | grep SONAME"

Yes, this comment was more directed at upstream.  As long as upstream
uses this versioning, you should follow it.  What I'm saying is that
it's probably too complex for what upstream needs.

> >  - Packages containing functionality for use in a script language should
> >   be named lib<package>-<language>, in this case liblunar-python instead
> >   of python-lunar.
> no, debian python policy 2.2 said the package name should be
> python-foo, and python-lunar really provide a lunar module.

Ah, ok.  I'm not too familiar with the Python policy, thanks. :-)

> an updated version is uploaded to mentors.debian.net. remove
> DM-Upload-Allowed and update copyright information, please check it.

It looks good, but some problems have been caused by my delay:
- There are several warnings now that it's being compiled with gcc-4.3.
  This is upstream stuff, you probably don't need to fix it, but
  upstream may want to know.
- python-lunar.install looks in /usr/lib/python2.4/, but the files are
  now installed in /usr/lib/python2.5/.


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