OoO  En  cette matinée  pluvieuse  du mardi  13  mai  2008, vers  10:14,
Alexander Bürger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:

>> Fill an ITP when working on a package and close it in your changelog.

> I submitted one, so I can close #481022 in the changelog.

>> ... figtoipe was provided by ipe in the past, ... Replaces ... Conflicts ...

> I do not understand Replaces/Conflicts very well.

You should. ;-)

Conflicts  avoids that  your  package is  installed  along with  another
package. Replaces allows  your package to replace files  from some other
packages during upgrades.

> =============================================
> ...
> Standards-Version: 3.7.3
> Homepage:

> Replaces: ipe (<< 6.0pre30-1)
> Conflicts: ipe (<< 6.0pre30-1)
> Recommends: netpbm, ipe
> ...

That looks fine for me.
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We only support a 1200 bps connection.

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