On Fri, 2008-05-30 at 15:07 -0500, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Keep in mind that my background is in RPM building, where the emphasis
> is on distributing "pristine" source code.  I was initially
> shocked/dismayed by the Debian approach because the source code gets
> untarred and fiddled with by the packager. 

Wherever possible, changes should be limited to the debian/ directory.

>  Some of the example guides
> that people referred me to may have been bad examples--packagers were
> opening the source directory and liberally applying patches and making
> changes, and all of those fiddles were getting wrapped up into the one
> big diff file, making it impossible to figure out who did what.

Who did what is in debian/changelog and some patches have attributions
and comments.

> I eventually found out that these were bad examples.  At the end of
> the day, the recommendation for Debian packaging is essentially the
> same as in RedHat: we are aiming to distribute unchanged source that
> is patched in a clear and orderly way. There's not much information on
> how to manage patches in the Debian New Maintainer's Guide, but in
> section 6.4 it does acknowledge the problem and refers to dpatch.

dpatch is only one way - CDBS is another, quilt a third and there are
moves afoot for a new source format, based on the quilt model.

> I keep wondering, "If the goal is to re-distribute 'pristine' source
> code and patches, why doesn't Debian discourage users from untarring
> the sourced code?" 

users? You mean developers and maintainers?

>    Why can't you make it so the debian directory is
> not inside the source tree? 

Actually, there are few good reasons to do that and it causes more
trouble than it would be worth IMHO.

>  One response I've received is that "we
> are not RedHat, try to get over it."


> I wonder how you do your day-to-day work on building debs?  I have
> followed the dh_make approach of opening the source, and dh_make gives
> me template files in  "debian" for  control, rules and such. 

Only use dh_make once per package - there should be no need to ever run
dh_make again.

> After configuring those, I try to do a package build.  While testing
> this out, I realize I've made some mistakes while attempting to revise
> the Makefile to match the packaging requirements. 

Wherever possible, pass those changes via variables in debian/rules, not
by altering the Makefile. Remember that debian/rules *is* a Makefile.

>  It appears to me
> that I have to 1) move the debian directory to a safe place, 2) erase
> the code tree, 3) untar a fresh copy, 4) copy the debian directory
> back into the source tree, and 5) start over trying to fix the
> Makefile.  Is that how you do it? 



Use the clean target to get back to the distributed source and dh_clean
to get a clean debian directory with just the essential files.

>  One suggestion I receive is to do
> this work in a directory managed by rcs or subversion.  I think that
> would be fine too, but harder to set up when you just want to quickly
> build some small package that somebody distributed for, say, RedHat or
> such. And the Debian diff for the package would then pick up all the
> rcs files, right?

No. Use the relevant tool and these will be skipped - cvs-buildpackage,
svn-buildpackage etc.

> In a test case I was working on, the build failed because of a
> mismatch between the libtool & automake that were used to create the
> source_orig.tar.gz file and the versions available on the current
> system.  As a result, it was necessary to run "autogen.sh" in the
> source directory before trying configure.  That process creates a
> bunch of files that should NOT be included in the Debian diff file,
> such as changes in config.sub or such, but the Debian package does
> include those things.

Then clean them in the clean target (I've got problems like this in one
of my own packages, it can be a bit tricky at times but generated files
like those *must* be removed in the clean target.)

> In building RPMS, the source code patches are applied, but the output
> from autogen and configure is not wrapped up into the changes that are
> packaged.

Use CDBS and it will do the same for you.

> It occurred to me that I could try to work around this by using a
> build directory that is completely outside of the source code tree.

No. The solution is to use the autotools support to clean the source and
dh_clean to clean the debian temporary files.

> In many packages that use autotools, we've found it convenient to
> build outside of the source tree and add the --srcdir option to the
> configure command.  This leaves the source completely unchanged.  I've
> not succeeded in doing this while building a Debian package, however,
> because it seems to always want to build stuff in the source tree
> itself.  In the process of changing that, I've become confused about
> the sorting of installed files into packages.  I'm building library
> packages and haven't yet mastered the problem of installing the files
> into debian/tmp and then using package.listing files to specify the
> files that need to be selected for each Debian package.

Library packages are very difficult to package properly. Choose a
simpler package to learn first. Libraries need SONAME handling,
versioned symbol handling, -dev and -dbg package splits, often -doc
packages too.

I would *never* advise anyone to start Debian packaging with a library.
Package at least two applications or utilities before even considering
working on a library. (By "package" I mean to the point where a sponsor
is willing to upload the package because all the packaging problems have
been fixed.)

Learning Debian packaging is a process - it can be a long process and it
will only get longer and more confusing if you start with a library.

Neil Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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