On Thursday 05 June 2008 10:50:47 Jeremiah Foster wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 1.4.5
> of my package "swedish".

Hi Jeremiah,

here are some comments on your package:

- Please don't include automatically generated files in the tarball. Those are 
debhelper.log, postinst.debhelper, postrm.debhelper, substvars, all in the 
debian directory.

- It seems to be common practice to use the phrase "Swedish dictionary words 
for /usr/share/dict" as the package synopsis for wordlist packages, i.e. 
wswedish. Also, the synopsis should not start with "The" or "A(n)", so please 
remove that word from the synopsis of iswedish as well.

> The upload would fix these bugs: 156532, 186072

- You seem to have forgotten to include the patch for #186072.

- I don't think that the package should be Debian native. Please change this 
to separate upstream's and Debian's revision numbers. As there is a bug fix 
in the upstream part, I suggest you use 1.4.5-1.

- Add final newlines to wswedish.info-wordlist and iswedish.links.

- Convert debian/copyright to UTF-8

About debian/rules:

- Remove the debhelper compatibility bits.

- Remove the targets configure and configure-stamp, they are not used.

- Remove all calls to dh_* which are commented out.

- Remove dh_install* calls for debconf, examples, menu, cron, info, they are 
not used. Also remove dh_strip and dh_shlibdeps.

And one minor nitpick: The package uses ISO-8859-1 for some directory and file 
names. This puts some obstacles in the way of sponsors which do not use that 
encoding on their system. If at all possible, you could try to replace 
non-ASCII characters with an ASCII equivalent. In German, we can use "ae" 
for "รค" and so on, however, I don't know if this is possible for Swedish 

After those changes, I'll sponsor your upload. Thanks for taking care of that 


Tobias Toedter   | Recursion: n., see Recursion.
Hamburg, Germany |

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