Just to put another 2 cents on this topic...

I think I got Patrick's point as well as Asheesh's one. My personal
opinion is that I just don't like those packages filled with lots of
stuff I don't need but I need to install when I want a small part of it
(like a 200 lines script), but IANADD.

On Fri, Jul 04, 2008 at 08:41:02PM +0200, Patrick Schoenfeld wrote:
> I ask to *just think* a moment weither a single package is adequate for a
> single 200 line script, or not.

And I really appreciate that always some of us are looking on things
from another point of view. Since I like this package (and I looked at
it; it seems to be in a good shape) I'd really like if a DD would spend
some time on it. So, volunteers? :)


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