George Danchev wrote:
> On Sunday 31 August 2008 10:00:44 Eugene V. Lyubimkin wrote:
>> George Danchev wrote:
>>> Ok, thanks for fixing an RC. Builds fine per autobuilders
>>> (dpkg-buildpackage -B), but fails to build with fakeroot debian/rules
>>> binary (as per policy), probalby because of missing binary-arch and
>>> binary-indep targets ? Try to fix it, or I'll have a look more closer
>>> look tonight... of course sponsors with more time are welcome to beat me
>>> on that line ;-)
>> Builds fine in my pbuilder. binary-arch and binary-indep are defined by
>> debhelper v7.
> Eugene, 
>       this is not enough, your `binary-arch' should build a binary package to 
> a 
> given architecture, but it fails because it does not depend on `build' target 
> (where policy 4.9. says it should), thus `patch' target was also not being 
> called as well. To fix that you should add: binary-arch: build install
George, I might missed something. Both 'dpkg-buildpackage -b' and 
'dpkg-buildpackage -B'
work, in both cases patches are applied and binary packages are built 
correctly. Where do
you got the error?

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, Ukrainian C++ developer.

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