El Thursday 04 September 2008 01:53:48 Ben Finney escribió:
> Noel David Torres Taño <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I need somebody with experience in the packaging format 3.0 (quilt),
> > the one that allows the package to have more than one orig.tar.gz
> > tarball at the same time.
> You shouldn't expect to get private attention from a single person.
> Instead, this forum operates on the principle of discussion questions
> in public so that many can help, and many can benefit from the
> discussion.

I was asking for somebody to ask him here in the list. But seems there is none 
> Go ahead and ask your Debian packaging related questions here on the
> mailing list.

I just want somebody to revise the new version of my package, which I've moved 
from the traditional version 1.0 to the new 3.0 (quilt) one since it is better 
for the sources I have to work with. I've posted an RFS twice, with weeks in 
between, and didn't get a single answer.
> -- 
>  \     “Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?” “Uh, I think so, |
>   `\         Brain, but we'll never get a monkey to use dental floss.” |
> _o__)                                           —_Pinky and The Brain_ |
> Ben Finney

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