David Paleino wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Sep 2008 18:14:04 +0300, Eugene V. Lyubimkin wrote:
>> I failed to find the correct meaning of deb/debian suffixes in some
>> version strings of packages in Debian archive. Are they stand for
>> seriously modified code? I found 292 examples in Debian unstable.
>> ("aptitude search "?version(deb)" --display-format="%p - %V"
>> --disable-columns | wc -l")
> Usually, these prefixes are mostly used:
> debian
> ds
> dfsg
> $vcs (i.e. svn, bzr, cvs, ...)
> The first two usually mean that the original tarball has ben repacked not for
> license issues: stale files, build-generated files, .svn/CVS/.bzr/$vcs
> directories, [..]
> "dfsg" is appended when the original tarball is repacked with the removal of
> files which cannot be distributed by Debian, or, at maintainer's choice,
> non-free files (i.e. suitable for "non-free"), but not absolutely needed by 
> the
> program itself so, instead of making the whole package non-free, just those
> bits are dropped, and the whole package con go to main/contrib.
> $vcs is added when... well, when it's a snapshot from a repository :)
Thank you for answer. May be, it's reasonable to add this info (after
formatting) to devreference?

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF

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