On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 03:33:35PM +0900, Paul Wise wrote:
> Standards-Version doesn't need the final .0, 3.8.0.X versions are compatible.

Removed the tailing .0

> Depends should have ${misc:Depends} in it.

Ah, this fixes a query I had from long ago: I had ${misc:Depends} in
the build dependencies and it broke things, now that it's in Depends
everything is as expected.

What does this substitution get expanded to and by what? Since taking
it out made the package build without errors, I didn't take much notice
of it.

> README.Debian doesn't look especially useful.

Agreed, gone.

> Don't forget to send the manual page upstream if you haven't already.
> debian/watch looks broken, please see the uscan manual page for the
> correct syntax for magic sf.net support.

Yep, missed this one again! Fixed now, hopefully that's the end of this

Thanks for you feedback. The updated package is at 
if you'd like to have another check.


Jonathan Wiltshire

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