On Mon, 24 Nov 2008 18:52:46 +0900
"Paul Wise" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 6:34 PM, Neil Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Maybe both of these should be default criteria for sponsoring? The
> > first upload of any non-native package should either include the
> > Homepage field or an explanation of why there might be no homepage.
> I don't think this should be a hard requirement. One problem is where
> to include why there is no homepage. I don't think there is an
> appropriate place for that information, other than in the RFS itself,
> or when debexpo gets deployed there could be a field about that.
> Sponsors could then de-prioritise packages without a Homepage or an
> explanation of why there is not one.

I was expecting the explanation to only be in the RFS (and for the
need for an explanation to be quite rare for non-native packages).

> > Subsequent uploads of any package should ensure that debtags are
> > complete.
> I don't think this should be a hard requirement either. On the other
> hand when debexpo gets deployed and mentors.d.n is more useful for
> sponsors I'll certainly be de-prioritising such packages.

OK, not a hard requirement but a "penalty" in that omitting it reduces
the chances of actually getting a sponsor.

Right now, I'm looking for as many filters as possible until I can make
more time available for sponsoring, whilst also trying to help
maintainers make it easy for me to spot the packages that I *will*
sponsor (RC bugs).

Another pointer is to post to the RC bug report that a package with a
possible fix has been uploaded to mentors - some maintainers do that
already, so well done to those people. Also consider adding a comment
on the unofficial RC bugs page:

> > (and if any DD can remember how to fix oldpeople sites to show up on
> > people again, let me know - the ordinary fix has not worked)
> scp/rsync your public_html from gluck.d.o -> yourpc -> ravel.d.o.

Doh! Thanks Paul.


Neil Williams

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