On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 04:18:45 +0800
Wen-Yen Chuang <ca...@calno.com> wrote:

Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you, I have been very
tired recently.

> I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 0.0.5-2
> of my package "xf86-input-tslib".
> It builds the binary package: xserver-xorg-input-tslib

You note in the changelog that this version build-depends on the
upload I made for tslib 1.0-5 to experimental. However, the binary
package does not depend on that version of tslib which could result in
unexpected behaviour, e.g. if a user takes the xorg driver package from
experimental without also taking the tslib package from experimental.
Outside of a release freeze, this could also be a problem during the
normal migration from unstable into testing, if for example a bug was
found in tslib that prevented the migration of 1.0-5, the xorg driver
would migrate ahead of tslib.

I'm only mentioning this as a caution - I don't consider it a practical
problem for these particular changes to these particular packages. Once
Lenny is released and we migrate both tslib and the xorg driver into
unstable and thence into testing, it would be best if either the
build-depends change was reverted or that the driver had a stricter
dependency on that version of tslib by using this change in
debian/control for the binary package:

- Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${xserver:Depends}
+ Depends: libts-0.0-0 (>= 1.0-5), ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, 

In general, bumping the build-depends without changing the binary
dependency is not actually solving any particular problem, except a
FTBFS. Can you remind me why you wanted/needed to bump the
build-depends in the first place? 

tslib 1.0-5 does include a tweak to the pkgconfig file in the libts-dev
package but the xorg driver configure.ac does not use pkgconfig for
libts so this change would have no effect on this package. Your 0.0.5-2
driver does build successfully against libts-dev 1.0-4 and debdiff
cannot find any unexpected differences if the build-depends is reverted.

Did you experience any problems with this version of the xorg driver
and the version of libts currently in unstable (and lenny)?

> Description: tslib touchscreen driver for X.Org/XFree86 server
>  This X.Org/XFree86 driver provides support for touchscreens input
>  devices. The driver is based on tslib which supports events for moving
>  in absolute coordinates and relative coordinates.

On a different note, I'd like to ask a favour on behalf of users
needing busybox support for Xorg. 

I noted that this version of the xorg ts driver uses a new copy of
debian/xsfbs. Lots of Xorg packages use debian/xsfbs/ and the shell
script in that directory forms the basis of a variety of maintainer
scripts in other Xorg packages. When those maintainer scripts are run
on a system that only has busybox shell, certain features of the shell
script fail because options are used for fgrep that simply do not exist
in the busybox implementation.

Can you help me identify someone in the Debian Xorg strike force or
someone responsible for the xsfbs code or some other way that these
concerns can be fixed?

The current patch for xsfbs.sh is available here:

I'd like to know if there are likely to be problems due to this patch
and whether the effect of the patch can be incorporated into all xsfbs
scripts. There are good reasons why busybox does not include support
for these particular options and I'd like to know if Xorg can do
without them before I try to persuade busybox upstream to add such

I'll wait to hear from you about the build-depends issue before
uploading - I suspect it is OK to revert that change and build-depend
on libts-dev without a specific version when uploading to unstable. The
extra time should also allow me time to test both new versions more
fully. I don't need a new upload to mentors at this time.


Neil Williams

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