On Wed, 24 Dec 2008 16:08:39 +0100
Hámorszky Balázs <balihb....@gmail.com> wrote:

> > After looking at the referenced report about this bug, I'm not at
> > all convinced that this 'bug' even needs a fix - there is a clear
> > workaround documented in the thread linked from the bug report and
> > people claiming that the workaround works. Do you have evidence
> > that the workaround does not work?
> The workaround is per site solution. So one must add a line in 
> urls.local for every ad site. The fix in the official svn (the one
> I've attached to the bugreport) fix it completely.
> > I can't see any reason why you spent any time devising an NMU for
> > such a bug.
> This bug is very annoying. On some/most pages it pops up more than
> one download window. If someone planing on using bfilter on lenny,
> than he/she must add all ad urls to the urls.local or recompile it
> from source. The point of bfilter contrary to adblock is that it
> don't need any blacklist to work. It's a so little fix and affect the
> usability of bfilter so much.

All of that should have been in the original bug report.

Glad we managed to get to the bottom of it eventually.

OK, so maybe it isn't minor as I thought - I agree it is normal
severity and the Developer Reference does not include normal severity
bugs in the list for NMU's.

Annoying does not qualify as important and only important or higher
qualifies for an NMU - unless the package is in the lowNMU list which
this one is not.

There are other ad block utilities for iceweasel - I guess the
maintainer is waiting for the next upstream release.

Sorry, I don't see that you can do any NMU for this package without
explicit permission from the maintainer. If he doesn't reply or wants
to wait, there is nothing you can do to fix this bug. You certainly
cannot do anything without supplying more information in the bug report
itself. The current bug is singularly unhelpful and lacking in content.

Whichever way it works out, uploading to mentors was entirely the wrong
thing to do and that version needs to be removed IMHO.


Neil Williams

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