Jonathan Wiltshire schrieb:
> On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 10:37:37PM +0000, Neil Williams wrote:
>>> What if not? They stay open till someone else
>>> tries to package it and gets rejected?
>> If there is no good reason to turn an RFP into an ITP and thence into
>> an upload, there is no reason to leave the RFP open.
> I think perhaps the question was as much 'who should check the list and
> close useless ones', and whilst there isn't neccessarily anyone who
> _should_ be doing it, there's no reason prospective developers _can't_
> do it. Just make sure you annotate your closure with some reasoning, so
> that the requestor doesn't just re-open the RFP.

We have many packages which are providing the same functionality.
I think in *most* cases the requestor has a reason for his RFP, for
example he is using itself and find it usefull, there may be more reasons.

I think packages should not be rejected just because they provide
"duplicated" functions.
But yeah, who realy decides which RFP requests are realy sensless and
should be closed?

Anyway we are here off topic, this should be discussed on another list,

Mit freundlichem Gruß / With kind regards,
Patrick Matthäi


Always if we think we are right,
we were maybe wrong.

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