On Sun, 18 Jan 2009 11:44:28 +0100
"Gudjon I. Gudjonsson" <gud...@gudjon.org> wrote:

> Hi George and the others
> The lintian warnings are added below.
> > > The package is more or less lintian clean :)

lintian is not a joke and -mentors is not here to be fobbed off when
the real problem would appear to be a lazy maintainer.

> > What does that mean? You better describe what the problem is and find ways
> > to deal with it properly. Uploading a *new* package with already known
> > flaws, is not the same as uploading a new package which has been known to
> > be good, then flaws has been revealed, and you upload a better version in
> > order to alleviate the impact, knowing that some flaws are still there, but
> > you don't have good means to deal with them yet.

To which your response was merely to cut and paste the lintian messages
without any attempt to actually fix the issues. Ridiculous.
> W: ngspice: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/cmpp
> W: ngspice: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/ngmakeidx
> W: ngspice: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/ngproc2mod

Unacceptable. Write the manpages - no excuses. Write all the missing
manpages and make sure each one covers all the commands and options
that are available for the binaries concerned. Then submit the manpages
upstream and work with upstream to implement a method of keeping the
manpages updated (e.g. docbook-xsl etc.)

> W: ngspice: extra-license-file usr/share/doc/ngspice/contrib/mslib/COPYING
> W: ngspice: extra-license-file usr/share/doc/ngspice/contrib/scripts/COPYING

Unacceptable - fix this properly. Are these files the same content as
files in /usr/share/common-licences?

> N: 10 tags overridden (10 errors)
> The ten warnings that I overrode are the following:
> ngspice: unstripped-binary-or-object
> Linitian doesn't know the file types of the files in question.

Explain - which files? what file formats and file types? What does
'file' say about each one, what does objdump say? 

> The other warnings are so minor that I will rather keep them as a reminder 
> until later than making a bad quickfix.

No, you need to fix them. This isn't optional. If there are bugs in
lintian then *file bugs against lintian* and reference them in the
override files *and* include or attach the override files to your RFS.

Whether you fix these problems or not, you've lost my interest because
of your attitude to lintian.


Neil Williams

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